8 Remedies That Can Improve Your Hair Loss Naturally

Hair loss is mostly associated with men, but in reality, more than 55% of women will experience some type of hair loss in their lifetime. In fact, around 40% of women experience permanent hair loss in their lifetime. And while genetics can play a role in this, other times hair falls out as a result of daily habits. That is why we have put together a list of remedies that can help get your hair follicles healthy again.

  1. Green tea

In the study, researchers applied green tea extract to participants’ scalps to see if it helped regrow hair. After 4 days, it was evident that her hair growth activity had increased significantly. Apart from this, green tea also protects the scalp by improving the condition of the hair follicles. This is especially true for those who take it in supplement form, as they will see improvements in blood flow and oxygen levels.

  1. Onion juice

Imagine this smell might seem overwhelming, but onions have been shown to promote hair growth. It is especially effective for alopecia areata, a condition in which hair falls out in patches on different parts of the body. Onion juice helps improve blood circulation in the scalp or any other part of the body. All you have to do is blend a couple of onions, squeeze the juice and apply it to your scalp for 15 minutes before shampooing.

  1. Egg yolk mask

Egg yolks contain what is called sulfur, which is vital for hair and hair growth. While we still need solid evidence that egg yolks can promote hair growth, it can’t hurt to try a homemade mask. You can mix 2-3 egg yolks with 2-3 drops of lemon juice and apply the mask to your scalp with your hands. You will need to put on a shower cap, then leave the mask on for 20 minutes before rinsing with cool or lukewarm water.


Ginseng has many beneficial properties, including a positive effect on hair growth by stimulating hair follicles. There aren’t many studies at the moment, but a 2018 study showed great promise. Ginseng can be taken as a supplement. However, be sure to consult your doctor before taking any pill.

  1. Pumpkin Seed Oil

In a 2014 study, researchers recruited men who had a history of alopecia, or male pattern baldness. Those who took 400 ml of pumpkin seed oil for 6 months experienced a 40% increase in hair growth. On the other hand, those who took the placebo only saw a 10% increase.

To apply it, it is necessary to heat it a little and apply it to dry scalp, massaging. Then you need to cover your head and leave the oil there for about 20 minutes. After removing the eyeliner, wash your hair as usual.

  1. Licorice root

The flavonoids, phytoestrogens, and other essential oils found in licorice can promote hair growth. Since licorice root is hard to find, you can use tea and mix it with Indian gooseberry powder or henna to make a beautiful paste. Many people use these blends for a variety of hair problems, including dull hair, dandruff, and split ends. However, before applying licorice directly to your scalp, it’s best to check with your doctor to see if it’s right for you.

  1. cayenne pepper

Cayenne pepper is known to improve blood circulation, so it would be helpful to try it for hair loss. You can mix it with some olive oil and make your own oil that you can apply like any other oil. However, be sure to let the mixture sit for 10-15 days before using it and keep it out of direct sunlight. Alternatively, you can make a paste out of the same ingredients and rub it into your scalp.

  1. With hearts of palm

This is not a very common ingredient, but a 2-year study showed strong hair growth in men suffering from baldness. Participants took 320 mg of saw palmetto every day for 2 years and experienced significant hair growth by the end of the study. Specifically, new hair was growing on the crown of the head, or on the top and back of the head.